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The Powerful Combination of Self-Improvement Month and Addiction Recovery

wooden blocks that spell "success" with a thumbs up in the background emphasizing the importance of Self-Improvement Month

What’s Inside: Understanding what Self-Improvement Month and its relevance to recovery is. Exploring various Self-Improvement Month ideas that can enhance the recovery process. Identifying beneficial Self-Improvement Month activities for personal growth. What is Self-Improvement Month? Self-Improvement Month is observed every September, dedicated to encouraging individuals to focus on personal growth and development. But what is […]

How Can We Break Addiction Stigma During National Recovery Month?

a woman tearing a piece of paper with the word "drug" written on it, attempting to break the addiction stigma during National Recovery Month

What’s Inside: Understanding what National Recovery Month and its significance in combating stigma is. Participating in National Recovery Month activities that promote awareness and support. Utilizing National Recovery Month resources to educate and empower. Implementing National Recovery Month ideas to foster a stigma-free environment. Discovering effective ways to celebrate National Recovery Month while challenging stigma. […]